Ridin' That Trail
2m 34s
We are quite familiar with DW's humorous side, but did you know he has a romantic side? DW Groethe sings "Ridin' That Trail" during the "Humor + Horror" show at the 39th National Cowboy Poetry Gathering.
DW Groethe
Bainville, MT
DW Groethe is the son of a son of pioneers. He was born and raised in the west of Dakota and has lived the past 25-plus years across the border in Montana. It is the same land...same folks...same weather...same heartbeat. The lyrics may change but the rhythm stays true. He is a ranch hand, he is a poet, he is a songster. His songs and his poems sing of who he is and where he comes from. When you’re in Elko, feel free to stop DW any old time and ask him whatever needs asking. Coffee's on him.
"Ridin' That Trail"
Filmed in front of a live audience at the Elko Convention Center’s Laurena Moren Theater on Feb. 3, 2024.
Made possible by Blach Distributing Company and by the multitude of staff, artists, volunteers, and community members working behind the scenes to make this show happen.
Brought to you by the Western Folklife Center, using story and cultural expression to connect the American West to the world.